Xchanges Number 1

Thursday, December 29, 2005

I have been busy finishing the post production of my book and uploading it to one of my many websites so I can sell it directly to the public. The book is called "What Money Can't Buy" and is about the hard times ahead as our oil reserves are depleted and most importantly what you can do about it starting NOW! The site is at www.MJK-Private-Income.com where you can get your copy for the low price of $10 Canadian funds.

Do you see what I just did? I am using one of my blogs to support another website by directing traffic to it. By the way the "ad" above is true and the link is live. That is yet another way of getting traffic. I have been busy, between the books, Christmas, my commitment to the Green party and my commitment to my Girlfriend, life has been hectic. Who in their right mind calls an election in the middle of a Canadian winter?
I will have updates on 4daily.com, 12dailypro.com and studiotraffic to let you know if they are paying and how well they are paying. See you sometime in 2006.


Michael J. Kaer

Monday, December 12, 2005

This is a simple request. I would like to know how you get traffic to come to your site or ezine or blog. If you leave a comment with a link in this blog, that will increase your odds of getting traffic going to where ever you point it. The trick with getting this type of linking traffic is to make sure that the blog or site you are promoting has something close in common with this blog. Since all sites and blogs need traffic, that would be a natural start, but it could also relate to some of the other businesses I Promote, Talents I teach or crafts I manufacture. You would have to take a good look at my bio on this blogs as well as the ones at My Hemp Kaer Package and Survival-List .

Michael J. Kaer, President of Kaer Enterprises Mikes Worms and On The Spot Massage .