Xchanges Number 1

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Just a quick update on Studiotraffic.com. It is still functioning. My small amount I started off with is still multiplying. I set things up so I could not touch it for 9 months. The free $10 plus the $10 I put in are around $40.00. That is not a huge amount but it is proving the system is working. The proof will be when I go to get my money from them. That is a few months off. I now have 6 blogs on the go so some of them do not see as much action as others, but I try to get around to all of them a few times a month.
Michael J. Kaer owner of www.2bitpixel.com ( a million dollar pixel script site)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

With the death of 4 daily and 12dailypro, what other autosurfs are there online? One that is still alive and kicking is studiotraffic. You can join up here http://www.studiotraffic.com/index.php?refid=1230826&username=michaelkaer .Just copy and paste if the link is not active. They pay out 1% a day, which is not alot , but better than putting your money in the bank. I hope this site will remain stable. It should, since you have to view at l00 sites a day to earn that 1%. They also charg a hefty fee for their premium ads, so that is another indicator that they may stick around.
Anyone else out want to let us all in on what is working for you? You can leave a comment or send me an email at michaelkaer@yahoo.ca and I will add it in to my blog.