Xchanges Number 1

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


There are other ways of getting traffic to your site. One I am using is 20 Million Hits. This is what I call a viral type traffic exchange. You go and sign up, view 8 ads and then promote your site. When people sign up under you, when they see the 8 qualifying ads, yours will be at the top. At the next level down they get their ad shown first, but yours comes second, so at the second level you get 64 views and so on and so forth down several levels.
There are other "viral" type exchanges, just search for it on Trafficswarm or some of the other exchanges. To see several live links to various exchanges just go to the first blog entry and click on them. Let me know what you think.

Michael J. Kaer, President of Kaer Enterprises (.com) and www.mikesworms.com

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


The other main flavour of Traffic exchange is an auto-surf exchange. What I mean by an auto-surf is a series of websites are shown to the surfer without having to interact with the program to load the next page in the set.

Pros. - The lazy way of getting traffic credits. Your fingers, arms and wrists are not as sore. You look at the ads in a more relaxed manner thus you may be more prone to click on a site for information that you like, before the robot changes the page. Ads usually cost less on an auto-surf.

Cons.- The traffic credits are not worth nearly as much as the manual credits because there is no way of knowing if your site is even seen by a person, or they just turned on their machine and walked away. An auto-surf can interfer with other things you are doing if you have multiple browsers or tabs open (eg. reading emails and surfing at the same time). The exchanges tend to be more prone to bugs and more easliy hacked. Some auto-surf exchanges are a waste of your time and money.

One of the things some auto-surf exchanges do is add bonus credits or money for the surfers to get in the time period certain sites are run, so if you want the bonuses, you have to babysit the exchanges anyway.

I use both types and I have done so consistantly for a long time, so I have a huge amount of traffic going to all my websites.

To see actual live exchanges, go to the first blog entry and click on the links.
In upcoming blog entries I will be going through other ways of getting traffic to your site.
Good luck and happy surfing.

Michael J. Kaer, President of Kaer Enterprises (.com) and www.mikesworms.com

Friday, November 04, 2005

Pros and Cons of Manual Surf Exchanges

A manual surf exchange is defined as an exchange where the surfer must manually "turn the page" to the next site to be viewed. That is the short form. The way the surfer does this is by clicking on a symbol or a number, usually after a timer has counted down the minimum time the site is viewed to be counted as a credit. The length of time varies with the exchange and sometimes site to site.

The Pros- a real person must be doing the clicking, so the exchange manager can justify a higher cost to the advertisers, but the quality is high so they are happy with it. Real people = real sales and/or real people signing up.

The Cons- For the surfer it means alot of repetitive movement that can end up in pain or even damage if they go at it for long periods of time without a break. The higher cost to advertise may make others look to other forms of getting traffic.

Go to the first post in this blog to see actual live exchange links.

Michael J. Kaer, President of Kaer Enterprises (.com) and www.mikesworms.com

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Traffic is the lifeblood of Internet business.

I an going to cut to the chase and just list some of the ones I am on.
In the ongoing blog I am going to go into more detail about Auto and Manual surf modes as well as what I like or dislike about the traffic exchanges out there.

1) Trafficswarm
2) Hitrosoft
3) TS25
4) Startxchange
5) Link Scout
6) 4 Daily
7) Empowerism
8) Profit Rally

Trafficswarm,Startxchange and TS25 are strictly manual surf exchanges.
4Daily is a strictly Auto surf exchange.
Hitrosoft can be both.
Link Scout and Profit Rally are examples of a site that promote multiple sites.
Empowerism is not an exchange, but it is another way of getting traffic in the form of leads.
What is all this traffic used for? The credits you earn by looking at other people's advertising are used to send people to your sites. When they get to your site your main goal is to get their email address, or send you an email or buy a product or service from you. The ultimate goal is to make sales.

Feel free to check out the links and see what they are about before you sign up with them. 2 items you will need is a note pad for writing down the URLs and an email address you can receive mail from. Good luck!

Michael J. Kaer, President of Kaer Enterprises (.com) and www.mikesworms.com